March 2022 : Astrological forecast

Energizing for Spring and Marching Ahead with No retrogrades. 

The “Lucky aspect” in the cosmos this month is the fact that no planet is in retrograde!! According to Sidereal Vedic calculations, This “all in” forward moving energy creates a momentum to move ahead , something we so desperately were seeking in the beginning of the year. It is here now!

If one can relate, we do  see the March Madness element in the sky still,- it is in  the conjunctions and planetary wars that the month has.

We start the month with a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius in the Nakshatra of the Shatabhisha which is the star of the 100 healers, something the Earth and the collective needs desperately. This energy calls for us to go within and clear ourselves from the external chaos, the individual healing will help at a collective level.

Venus the planet of relationship, wealth and luxuries continues to be in a strained planetary war with Mars the planet of action, will power and moving forward which is evident in the recent geo-political events around the globe, with economy being affected. At the individual level we are concerned about interpersonal relationships, inflation affecting each and every one of us individually. Closer to the end of March- March 24rth Venus sees some relief as it moves ahead, leaving behind Mars and Saturn and moving into Aquarius. 

I do want to highlight an important day around March 14 th when Sun and Neptune align. Neptune is dreams, imagination, higher love, spirituality and Sun’s conjunction with Neptune highlights those aspects in us that come from a more abstract space, a higher self. This is a great day to spend time journaling and connecting more with your intuition. 

The Full Moon this month is the “Worm Moon” in Virgo March 18  in an “earth energy”  significant  for action in the material realms, working towards your goals visions as we utilize this forward moving energy to release all the past baggage and clutter and move ahead.

Around March 20-21st we see the energy of the spring equinox kick in, which is a high vibrational energy with a mix of water and fire energy. Creativity with a spark!

Closer to April we look out for a bit of a disruptive time when Mars gets closer to Saturn, The two malefic energies create chaos in the geopolitical scene but having foresight on this conjunction it is important to avoid major personal events/ travel around this time. 

Over all focusing on the positives of this month, I would definitely encourage being mindful of where we spend this comic energy, engage in things that keep you out of the chaos and more in tune with your creative side. 


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