Meat During Ayurvedic Treatment

A popular misbelief is that you are not supposed to take meat items while undergoing Ayurveda treatments or when having Ayurveda medicines. The truth is that Ayurveda does advise certain pathya-apathya (wholesome and unwholesome foods and regimen) depending on the nature of the disease. This pathya and apathya are not for the medicines. There are certain disease conditions where Ayurveda advises the intake of meat as medicine. In Tuberculosis, for example, after correcting the digestion, processed meat with certain herbs are advised as medicine. In certain sexual disorders also, meat is mentioned as a medicine in Ayurveda.

Bone broth has been used for thousands of years to build bone tissue and for those suffering from fractures, dislocation of joints and more.

When To Eat Meat

Another common doubt is whether there is a particular time of the day to eat meat. It is ideal to have meat at mid-day because your digestive fire will be highest during that time. Cook meat properly with clarified butter, curd, sour gruel (Kanjika), acid fruits like pomegranate, and pungent and aromatic condiments like black pepper. Meat prepared like this is considered very wholesome to the diet, though heavy to digest. It possesses relishing, strength-giving and tissue building properties.

Meat Preparations

Varieties of cooked meat are also mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics.

  • Ullupta (minced meat)

  • Bharjita (fried)

  • Pishta (made into balls or cakes)

  • Pratapta (roasted with clarified butter over a charcoal fire)

  • Kandupachita (dipped in mustard oil and powdered aromatic condiments and roasted to a honey color over a charcoal fire.

  • In addition, the benefits of thin meat soup have also been described in detail.

A thin meat soup is a pleasant tonic, and proves beneficial in cases of dyspnea, cough, and consumption. It subdues the Pitta and Kapha, destroys the Vata, and has an agreeable taste. It is wholesome to persons of weak memory and reduced semen. Meat-soup, prepared with the juice of the pomegranate and seasoned with pungent condiments, increases the quantity of semen and tends to subdue the action of all the three deranged humors, Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


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