May 2022 Astrological Update

I love it when the month starts off with a New Moon!. Yes we just had a powerful “Black New Moon” April 30th into May 1, In the zodiac of Aries. New moon being the black canvas of the cosmos where all intentions set out get recorded and worked on by the universe.

This New Moon was extra special with it being a “Solar Eclipse”, where the North Node (Rahu) in Aries  and the South Node (Ketu) in the Zodiac of Libra.  The eclipses happen twice a year, so yes this is a special New Moon, and in fact the Solar Eclipse happening in Aries has happened after 18 years ( the time the nodes take to circle across the zodiac). 

To have a clear understanding of where these energies are imagine what changes were happening in your life back in 2003/2004.

The exciting stuff? Two big benefic planets entered Pisces: Both Venus and Jupiter entered Pisces, - this allows Jupiter the planet of expansion to move beyond the grip of the restrictive effects of Saturn and also Venus is exalted in Pisces. I see this as some relief coming to matters of the heart, relationships, finances. Perhaps more focus on inner health wellbeing.

One would imagine that travel plans will be on the rise, however one important planetary event to watch-out for in May is a Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercure retrograde starts on May 5th and continues on until the end of the month into the earl part of June.  We see that Mercury, the planet of communication/ travel, has a shadow period a few days before that and for a few days after this retrograde cycle, where one can start feeling the effects of delayed communication. Also to be a bit more careful about contracts/ leases/ agreements double checking them regularly.

I do like to make a mention here that any retrograde specially for Mercury ( since it happens a few times a year compared to the larger celestial bodies) we do sometimes experience the “return” of a past situation/ person or event, and I feel this happens so the issues that were left unfinished can now be assessed and perhaps can help us see other possibilities and outcomes. 

Right in the middle of the Month we have the Lunar Eclipse. Where the Moon travels down to Libra and is opposing the Sun creating a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Another powerful energy that brings about major change and revelations. It is said during the time of eclipses for the 24 hours around the event, it is best to focus one's energy on activities that focus on meditation and of more introspective nature. Dreams can be powerful and vivid around the Eclipses, especially the Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon. This being in the sign of Libra , which is the natural 7th house of the Zodiac, expect more changes to happen around interpersonal relationships. Since Full Moons are all about releasing and exposing the things hidden: both emotions, thoughts. Feelings- we might see big revelations and expressions of personal emotions. The truth of course sets us free!.

A powerful day this month is May 3rd, marked as the day that both the Sun and Moon are exalted. This day is known as Akshaya Trithi : On this day according to the vedic calender- one need not look for an auspicious time all activities of initiating something new, signing a contract, and donating to charity brings about beautiful and abundant returns, mark this day on the calendar!. 

The end of the month, we gear for another major planetary retrograde, and this time it is Saturn, which is now in Aquarius will slow down and become stationary, just before it starts its slow turn back into Capricorn. But more on that in the June Update.

 Enjoy May, where truly Venus and Jupiter in Pisces gives us the feeling of finally! Things are blooming !

- Dr Beri


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