Walking for Wellness

Well-being is fundamental for health. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Yet in present day scenarios we come across a lot of lifestyle disorders like - Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc. In this article we are going to discuss the benefits of walking for wellness since walking being the cost-effective and accessible form of physical exercise.

6 Benefits of Regular walking -

  1. Regular walking may help improve cholesterol profile, help control hypertension, and slow the process of osteoporosis.

  2. Regular walking is the simplest way to stay fit.

  3. Regular walking is also a form of aerobic exercise; this helps to lift your mood, makes you physically fit and improves your health.

  4. Research studies have proved walking can help prevent depression and can improve emotional health. 

  5. Walking helps to improve the blood flow thus increases available oxygen to the muscles, which makes the blood vessels more relaxed and helps to lower the pressure. This helps in maintaining the blood pressure.

  6. It improves the sleep patterns and can help obtain a sound sleep. 

Have you heard about the term ‘green prescriptions'? Outdoor walking group programs that improve psychological and emotional well-being, as well as physical activity are considered as green prescriptions. 

How can you be a regular walker?

The best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit, experts say. Look for patterns in your day and think about how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones. Most of us walk at least 300-400 steps in a day. Download a steps tracking app on your phone or create a favorite playlist of songs and make sure you walk daily listening to those list of songs. 

Try walking briskly at a 3 to 3.5-mph pace (walking a mile in 17-20 minutes), beginning with 10 minutes per day for the first three weeks. Then slowly increase the time. Your target should be being able to walk 30 minutes per day, six days per week. 

3 major things to keep in mind while you walk -

  1. Make sure to follow the right posture. Keep your head upright, looking ahead. Your chin should be in a neutral position. Shoulders should be relaxed and do not hunch over. 

  2. Arm swings will make your walk a total body exercise. You will burn an additional 5-10% calories.

  3. Keep calm, enjoy the surroundings or get good company.

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