Witch Hazel - Uses and Health benefits

Witch hazel is a plant which has so many  powerful medicinal properties that can be used in a variety of ways especially for skin health. 

There are many known species of witch hazel, and among those Hamamelis virginiana — a type of shrub native to North America is the most commonly used. The leaves and bark are made into teas and ointments and are known to have a variety of health benefits. 

Inside witch hazel's leaves, bark, and twigs, there are medicinal chemicals called tannins. 

Early research suggests that tea tannins may provide health benefits due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They can also remove harmful microbes from the body, and fight against harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. By speeding up blood clotting, tannins also have a healing effect on cuts and wounds.If you rub these chemicals on your skin, they reduce swelling and fight bacteria. This property of tannins in witch hazel makes it popular in many skin and scalp diseases. 

Benefits of WItch Hazel  -

  1. According to a study published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology, witch hazel may be helpful in treating sunburn.

  2. The FDA has only approved witch hazel for topical use (applying it to your skin).

  3. It’s also said to be beneficial in reducing the puffiness of eyes. 

  4. It eases inflammation and has a soothing effect on skin and scalp.

  5. Some research suggests that applying witch hazel topically to sensitive skin may be beneficial in the treatment of inflamed, irritated or broken skin.

  6. Witch hazel is often used as a natural remedy to provide relief from the discomfort and pain caused by hemorrhoids.

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Most of the over the counter medications for skin has witch hazel these days due to it’s soothing properties. There are even patches available for hemorrhoids and skin irritation. 

The Astringent property of witch hazel makes it useful in all the skin conditions as per ayurveda. Astringent taste is said to decrease kapha and pitta. Also it has calming effects on skin and mind as per ayurvedic principles. 

Witch hazel can be a great addition to an at-home medicine cabinet and is usually well-tolerated.




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