Fruits for Skin Health - Papaya 


June is celebrated as National Papaya Month. Though Papaya can be found all year long, the peak seasons include early summer and fall. Now you know why June is National Papaya Month. 

Let’s check out the important health benefits of Papaya and the Ayurveda facts on this super fruit. 

Health Benefits of Papaya

  1. Enzyme ‘Papaine’ in Papaya aids in digestion. 

  2. High in fiber and water content which makes it an ideal summer fruit. 

  3. Anti-oxidant zeaxanthin improves eye health

  4. Rich in beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant which helps preventing the risk of cancer, asthma etc. 

  5. Versatile nutrient choline reduces inflammation and helps in providing good sleep and memory power. 

  6. Excellent source of Vitamin A (improves hair growth) and Vitamin C.

  7. External application is nourishing to skin and aids in promoting wound healing 

The Ayurveda concept of Papaya is that it’s predominant in astringent and bitter taste. Also, it is light for digestion. It is hot in potency and pacifies Kapha and Vata, and is beneficial to heart. 

How Ayurveda uses papaya as a home remedy?

  • The ripened fruit of papaya relieves constipation. 

  • Applying Mashed papaya over face acts as good scrubber and improves skin tone. 

  • Raw papaya taken internally helps in treating intestinal worms.

  • Raw papaya milk is applied locally in skin conditions like eczema, ring worm infestation etc. 

  • Raw Papaya paste when applied over face reduces blemishes and acne. 

P.V Sharma a scholar in Ayurveda describes Papaya as a cardiac tonic and treatment for IBS and diarrhea. He also describes the action of Papaya as it purifies blood and reduces the Pitta dosha which makes it ideal for skin health. 

Papaya Recipes – 

  1. Papaya smoothie - Peel and chop ripened Papaya and blend smoothly in a blender with few cardamom pods. This Papaya smoothie is a refreshing summer drink. 

  2. Raw Papaya salad 

Ingredients –

Chopped raw papaya – 1 cup

 Green chilies sliced – 2 

Coriander leaves – to garnish

Sliced almonds – ½ cup 

Pepper powder – ½ tsp. 

Method of preparation-

In a bowl mix all the ingredients together and add salt to taste. 

Recent Researches on papaya – 

  1. Carica papaya Leaves Juice Significantly Accelerates the Rate of Increase in Platelet Count among Patients with Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever.

  1. Anti-inflammatory activity of Carica Papaya leaves has been studied recently.


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