Root Veg Soup Recipe for Autumn

Root Veg Soup Recipe for Autumn


  1. 1 small beetroot, peeled and cut in to chunks 

  2. 2 parsnips, peeled and cut in to chunks 

  3. 1 carrot, peeled and cut in to chunks 

  4. A handful of button mushrooms, cut in to quarters

  5. 1 sweet potato, cut in to small chunks 

  6. 1 tbsp. minced garlic

  7. 1 tbsp. dried oregano

  8. 1 can of kidney beans rinsed and drained

  9. 1 tbsp. ghee

  10. 1 tbsp. lemon juice

  11. 3 tbsp. tomato paste 

  12. Water as required

  13. Salt and pepper to taste 

  14. Chopped coriander to garnish 

Method of preparation – 

Cover and cook chopped veggies with water. In a bowl mix the spices (garlic, oregano) and tomato paste. Ina pan add 1 tbsp. of ghee and sauté the tomato paste with spice mix for 2 minutes. Add the canned kidney beans and sauté for another 2 minutes. Now, add the kidney beans spice mixture to cooked vegetables and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot. 

Recipe Facts – 

The most important general principle for everyone regarding diet during Vata season is to have warm, cooked foods. Since Vata is cold, dry and rough, warm, cooked foods made with a little olive oil or ghee have a wonderful soothing effect that immediately calms down restless Vata.

This soup is an ideal autumn recipe since it is warm and fully cooked. During the fall season, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of incorporating warm and cooked foods that are substantive

Include seasonal veggies also in this soup since seasonal foods can balance the vitiated doshas as per the season. 

This soup pacifies Vata, Pitta and Kapha and is ideal for all. 

Find more recipes based on elements when you download our E-book recipe guide for gut health.

Recipe courtesy – Dr. Arya Krishna


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