Cacao or Cocoa for healthy skin

We often wonder what is the difference between the words on labels of various “health foods” at the shopping isles. Picking up something that contains cocoa vs cacao. Yes there is a significant difference between the two. Both cacao and cocoa come from the cacao bean of the Theobroma cacao tree. The key difference between the two lies in how the cacao bean is processed after harvesting and how the health benefits are altered as a result of this processing.

One of them namely, Cocoa powder,- found in most edible an delicious hot chocolate powders, blended with sugar, milk like chocolate bars and candy is the highly processed form, is roasted at a much higher temperature and typically supplemented with additives to cut the bitterness .

Cacao powder on the other hand, which is often labeled as "Raw Cacao Powder," is minimally processed form of the bean that maintains the nutritionally dense properties of the cacao seed.

Focusing on the more health benefits of Cacao-

Minimally processed cacao powder is an abundant source of minerals (iron, magnesium and potassium), fiber and those unique antioxidants called flavanols, which support cardiovascular and brain health. After cacao has been heated at high temperatures, many of these beneficial nutrients degrade and are no longer significantly present in the powder—quite the unnecessary loss in nutrition.

Superfood benefits of cacao:

1) Cacao contains the mood improver, anandamide – known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria

2) As an aphrodisiac

3) Balance Hormonal Mood Swings:

4) Protect Your Heart and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

5) Cacao thins blood and can prevent blood clots.

6) Cacao can prevent premature aging

7) Help you shed fat.

8) Create loads of energy and combat fatigue

9) Get shiny hair, strong nails, and take care of your liver and pancreas

10) Lower your blood pressure naturally

11) Reduce insulin resistance and sensitivity

12) Improve kidney and stimulate bowel function.

Next time you are grocery shopping for healthy foods- choose the cacao over items containing cocoa. This will significantly cut down on processed sugar and unnecessary calories form your daily intake. Also certain brands make chocolates with cacao powder over cocoa and those would be the ones to pick up for indulging every now and then! xo.


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