Why is Yoghurt an excellent probiotic diet?

Yoghurt is a natural probiotic diet because the friendly bacteria for the intestines and the body are found in abundance in it. With a strong skin-gut-brain connection we know the importance of having good gut health to have beautiful skin.

A good quality Yoghurt is made up of several types of bacteria which increase the numbers of friendly bacteria in the intestines benefitting the state of homeostasis.

The normally present bacteria in meals get destroyed in the acidic environment of stomach and the salty aquatic environment of small intestine whereas the bacteria of Yoghurt cross over from these environments and reach to large intestine where these Probiotics digest the Prebiotics (food fibers) forming short chain fatty acid from which an acidic environment is created in the large intestine which apart immune system of body making the body stronger and help to increase the formation of IgA named antibodies.

The knowledge about probiotics and implementing the art of rebalancing your gut flora can help in regulating the digestion and assimilation there by ensuring good health.


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