Herbal Ayurvedic Facials

Ayurvedic Herbs for Herbal Facial

Facial is a multistep procedure performed for various reasons including anti-ageing, acne prevention, removing black heads, reducing tan, and of course for pampering skin for relaxation. How would you know the face pack you apply to your skin is ideal for you? A perfect face pack can help you exfoliate, cleanse and nourish the skin. In addition, it helps in providing you with a hydrated complexion and gives you a soother, softer skin.

Herbs to use for a perfect herbal skincare recipe for facial at home 

Use the purest herbs and herbals ingredients which are exclusively nourishing to the skin. It makes your skin beautiful, youthful and gives it a charming glow. It performs all the step by step processes like scrubbing, cleansing and removing the dead cells that clogs the pores. The active elements used cleanses, exfoliates, and nourish your skin leaving it smooth and glowing.

Ingredients to use - 

✅Lodhra (Symplocos racemosus)

The predominant taste of Lodhra being Astringent, it helps in clearing the blemishes and black heads. It has cleansing, and soothing properties and clinical studies have proved that Salireposides isolated from its extract acts against acne producing bacteria.

Medicinal properties –

Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter)

Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)

Veerya (Potency) – Sita (Cold)

Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Katu (Pungent)

Karma (Action) – Balances Kapha and Pitta, used widely in bleeding disorders, ulcers, skin problems, oral disorders, and eye disorders.

✅Priyangu (Caricarpa macrophylla)

The word ‘Priyangu’ literally means lovable and charming. It is considered as a healing herb and is used in curing Skin diseases, pain in joints, fever, general debility and head ache. It is soothing and is a potent blood purifier and alleviates the pitta dosha which makes it a perfect choice for swarnamukhi Face pack.

Medicinal properties –

Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent) and Madhura (Sweet)

Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)

Veerya (Potency) – Sita (Cold)

Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Katu (Pungent)

Karma (Actions) – Balances all the three doshas – vata, Pitta and Kapha

Clinical studies on Priyangu investigated the ex vivo antibacterial activity of C. macrophylla stem ethanolic (SEE) and aqueous extracts (SAE) against various gram positive and gram-negative strains. The herb possesses anti-bacterial activity.

✅Nagakesara (Mesua ferrea)

Mesua ferrea is a potent herb widely used for skin diseases and diseases like herpes. It is anti-inflammatory and reduces edema and swelling. The anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsant nature of the drugs has been studied under various clinical studies.

Medicinal properties –

Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter)

Guna (Qualities) – Rooksha (Dry), Teekshna (Piercing) and Laghu (Light)

Virya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)

Karma (Action) – Balances Kapha and Pitta

The active elements used cleanses, exfoliates, and nourish your skin leaving it smooth and glowing.

In addition herbs like Haridra ( turmeric), besan/chick pea flour can be used for preparing a herbal facial. 

Book one of our signature natural ayurvedic facials . The KYVTA Turmeric Oil Mask is a great in home treatment.


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