
Herbal Ayurvedic Facials
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

Herbal Ayurvedic Facials

Facial is a multistep procedure performed for various reasons including anti-ageing, acne prevention, removing black heads, reducing tan, and of course for pampering skin for relaxation. How would you know the face pack you apply to your skin is ideal for you?

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Ayurvedic Herb “Triphala” for Gut Health
Gut Health, Ayurveda Dr. Beri Gut Health, Ayurveda Dr. Beri

Ayurvedic Herb “Triphala” for Gut Health

At BE Mind Body Skin, we take gut health seriously, and believe that the ‘Harmony in the Skin-Gut-Brain connections helps the body and its organs function optimally. Triphala is beneficial for digestion and elimination. It acts as a laxative and Triphala is a blend of three herbs. It's famous for its anti-aging effects since ages. In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, It is included under the category 'Rasayana' which means Rejuvenation. 

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