Quick & Healthy Summer Drinks
Nothing like a healthy cool drink to get through the scorching heat of the summer. Here are some great recipes to help you pick the best fruits and balance those elements.
Ayurveda spice mix for digestion – Rasam
There are a lot of spices which are used in Ayurveda for proper digestion and metabolism. It is important to choose your spices in balance according to your body constitution.
Healthy sources of Omega 3 Fatty acids
Learn more about they amazing natural sources of omega3s that boost energy, mood and a healthy mind body and skin!
Why is Yoghurt an excellent probiotic diet?
Yoghurt is a natural probiotic diet because the friendly bacteria for the intestines and the body are found in abundance in it. A good quality Yoghurt is made up of several types of bacteria which increase the numbers of friendly bacteria in the intestines benefitting the state of homeostasis. With a strong skin-gut-brain connection we know the importance of having good gut health to have beautiful skin.
Ayurvedic Herb “Triphala” for Gut Health
At BE Mind Body Skin, we take gut health seriously, and believe that the ‘Harmony in the Skin-Gut-Brain connections helps the body and its organs function optimally. Triphala is beneficial for digestion and elimination. It acts as a laxative and Triphala is a blend of three herbs. It's famous for its anti-aging effects since ages. In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, It is included under the category 'Rasayana' which means Rejuvenation.