Mint Coriander Chutney

This recipe literally takes 2 minutes in the blender and is so easy and tasty to prepare. 

You will need:

a bunch of mint and cilantro/coriander leaves,

½ tbsp of lemon juice, required salt

4 tbsp of yoghurt.

Blend together all the ingredients and you can serve it with grilled vegetables  as a condiment for sandwiches burgers etc.


Health Benefits of Mint & Coriander Leaves

Mint leaves play a vital role in promoting digestion, reducing inflammation and soothing the stomach. They can also enhance appetite and cure diseases like nausea.

To promote digestion, coriander leaves are the perfect remedy. They are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K among others. These nutrients are beneficial for people with diabetes. It can stimulate the insulin secretion and lowers the blood sugar level.


Why is Yoghurt an excellent probiotic diet?


Lavender for Skin