Healthy Breakfast - Spiced hot apples and pears

Healthy Breakfast - Spiced hot apples and pears

2 apples, peeled and cubed

2 Pears, peeled and cubed

1 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoons coconut sugar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

3 finger pinch of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg. 

Grated dark chocolate 

Small handful sunflower seeds. 

Heat the butter in a frying pan and add the sugar, string slowly be careful not to burn. You can replace butter with ghee. 

Add spices, then add the fruits and fry for a min or and gently, turning over. 

Put everything onto a plate and sprinkle chocolate  over the top. 

Add a dolop of non dairy yogurt if you fancy. 

Eat warm.

So why do you need a healthy breakfast? 

We cannot think of a better place to start the practice of food habits than with the first meal of the day- breakfast. Eating a healthy Ayurvedic breakfast will stoke your agni or digestive fire. Agni/ digestive fire is given much importance in Ayurvedic principles. When your agni is strong, you are able to digest, assimilate and absorb the vital nutrients in your food and create healthy bodily tissues. The healthy Breakfast can power up your day making you more productive and active.


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