May 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast
We are in between an Eclipse season! Enough said… this has to be one of the most powerful eclipses that bring about transformative change in so many aspects of our journey.
May 2022 Astrological Update
I love it when the month starts off with a new moon!. Yes we just had a powerful “Black New Moon” april 30th into may 1, In the zodiac of Aries. New moon being the black canvas of the cosmos where all intentions set …
Mercury Retrogrades of 2021
I have always felt that things can become simpler if one just looked at the stars and the planets to give us direction. There is so much they have to say. One such event is the cycle of Mercury Retrogrades we will experience in 2021.
Transit of Jupiter into Capricorn Nov 20/2020
The very abundant, mature, and life expanding planet of Jupiter ( Guru) moves into the zodiac of Capricorn as per Sidereal ( Vedic ) astrology on Nov 20th of 2020. . The earth sign of the Capricorn that is material and that deals with well defined and organization and structure of all things, has its lord Saturn already transiting its own sign. This brings a demanding order and structure from the collective in the midst of the chaos.
Samhain and the Taurus Blue Moon
The upcoming full moon in Taurus tomorrow October 31st in the NE is a very special event cosmically Every 28 days the sun and the moon come in full opposition with each other which allows the moon to shine fully as its Full state. This full moon is in the sign of Taurus and the sun will be in the sign of Scorpio, very opposing energies.