May 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

We are in between an Eclipse season! Enough said… this has to be one of the most powerful eclipses that bring about transformative change in so many aspects of our journey.

First of all because it is in the Aries Libra axis which is the natural 1-7 axis . This axis is all about oneself and the relationships we hold with “others” in our journey. 

The Solar Eclipse happened April 21, and now we are entering May with a big Lunar eclipse happening on May 5th. ( follow instagram @dr.kavitaberi  to hear more about our May 5th Lunar Eclipse and Lunar cycles affecting that mind-body)

Eclipses are times of “revelation”, where the Lunar eclipse is much more powerful than the Solar eclipse, so more to look forward too in the coming weeks. The eclipse energies last for weeks and upto 6 months. With its intensity waxing and waning as planets cross the eclipse degrees.

We cannot ignore that a good part of May also has Mercury in retrograde, the planet of communication, electronics and trade. So if you are feeling the impact with your electronic devices, computer systems etc know that this is a temporary universal chaos that once the planet starts to move direct will see some relief. During this time, we might also notice that past issues, people or events come back to seek resolution. In general consider this a time of pause and reflection. 

Enough about eclipses,and retrogrades lets look at some important dates this month: and what to look out for as far as energies. 

To get a better understanding of your one personal birth chart, Book an Astrology Consult where we go the basics of how to understand you birth chart, so these monthly forecast will resonate with you even more!

May 1st : Pluto will go retrograde at 6 degrees of Capricorn., so any planets within 1-2 degrees of this point in Capricorn or Cancer expect to notice a sudden change.

May 2nd, Venus will cross into Gemini while Mercury in retrograde will conjunct the Sun in Aries, Venus in aries can be chaotic, as the ruler of Gemini is still in retrograde, it can make one feel anxious in matters of love and romance, but it is here important to hold back on the chaos and emotions and let them get the better of us.

May 5th : Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. We are entering the closing of this big eclipse event from the Solar to the Lunar Eclipse. This time the Moon is Libra and Sun in Aries with Rahu, The eclipse is happeing at 20 degrees of Vishaka Nakshatra, which will give thus Full moon Lunar Eclipse a revelation of power, standing in your truth, and facing the truth as some dark deep secrets are surfaced.

May 10th : Mars the planet of passion, anger and drive moves into its sign of debilitation, Cancer, This usually can mean some anger issues can surface and it is important to notice this transit and again allow the emotions to cool down before we act upon impulse.

May 15th: Finally we see Mercury moving direct at 11 degrees of Aries, a relief in all issues of communication, and perhaps even reconciliation from the chaos

May 26-31st: We see some big movements, at Jupiter conjuncts Rahu, Jupiter that represents growth and all things of higher mind, connects with Rahu the planet of high risks, impulsive action and this can bring about some rash decisions on things, but it can also bring about expansion on all things that Jupiter represents for your chart. 

This conjunction is a powerful point of manifestation, so here it is important to be aware of your thoughts, and know that we are constantly creating our thoughts in reality

Over all a month where there can be shifts and changes in so many areas of our journey. It is best to know that all is well in the universe, and all the chaos is nothing but the planets and their different energies just transiting in space and time. 

Dr Beri. 


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