Mercury Retrogrades of 2021

I have always felt that things can become simpler if one just looked at the stars and the planets to give direction.  There is so much they have to say.

One such event is the cycle of Mercury Retrogrades that we will experience in 2021. 
Dates: Mercury Retrograde of 2021 

  • January 30 to February 21.

  • May 29 to June 22.

  • September 27 to October 23.

The Planet Mercury starts moving in a retrograde motion three times a year for about 3 weeks. Its first retrograde cycle happens Jan 30th to Feb 21st in the sign of Aquarius moving back into Capricorn as per Sidereal calculations.  We have all heard of the chaos that this event claims to create. So, what exactly happens in this time and can we actually stay above the chaos? 

The planet Mercury represent communication, trade, agreements contracts, computers, telephones, the virtual world – in short what our life is all about in this new way of 2021. 
When this planet decides to move backwards, aka- retrograde its massive energy starts to move in a direction that is out of order than its normal forward movement.
Of course being a part of this beautiful and infinite creation, where everything is connected, we all are affected by this in some way.
Basically, when a planet moves backwards- it is wanting attention and creates a break in the flow of all things it is known to do. This can often translate to delays on planned events, problems with telecommunication devices, agreements/contracts etc. Also, there can be people, and circumstances that resurface from the past. 
But as per the ancient "Seven Universal laws of Hermetics",- my favorite one- all truths are half-truths .
And so- there is another side of this story. I like to see a retrograde as a period of reflection, of taking pause and going through things in finer details before moving forward. I also see it as a time, given by the universe to undo the past mistakes and perhaps take a new path. 
A very powerful affirmation by the author Louisa Hay:
 “All things that life brings me is good for me”.
simply put, but extremely powerful.
 Individually applied to each of our lives daily can create powerful change in one self. I am saying this because this is one of the first things I say getting out of bed and I choose to believe that life is always working to bring out the best in us.

Therefore retrograde or no retrograde, if we adopt this way of thinking, it opens up possibilities to see the bright side, instead of focusing on the chaos. Cycles and biorhythms always continue as divinely orchestrated by the universe. But all periods of evolution need a time of reflection. As for the collective consciousness, this first period of Mercury Retrograde offers us just that - a time of pause and reflection in 2021. 
We see a divine order in all things including numbers and dates- when we choose to see it for eg- numbers:
 2020= 2+2 = 4 (4 Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air ) Physical elements, 2020 vision of a very physical reality.
 2021= 2=2+1 + 5 (5 Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit/Ether) Magical power of manifestation with thought.
  Let’s choose only positive thoughts! 
More on this YouTube video. 
 Much Love, and I hope we can all bring more mindfulness in our daily life to create beauty around us and within us.
Wishing you all a healthy, strong mind- body and spirit for 2021.
 Dr. Beri. 


Self Care - becoming present in the moment


A good stretch can make you less stressed !