A good stretch can make you less stressed !

Stretches and sun can make you less stressed . Yes! You heard it right. 

 Stretches will open up your whole body, increase blood flow, and make you feel stronger in no time.

Our favorite 5 Stretches to keep you active and de-stressed

  1. Downward Dog Pose - This pose—one of the most common in yoga—is an excellent morning stretch. You'll open up the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves as well as the arches of your feet. 

  2. High Lunge and Warrior Pose - If you want flexible hips and strong legs, lunge positions are where it’s at. High lunge and Warrior 1 are especially good for opening the front of the hip flexors as well as the shoulders.

  3. Child’s pose - This restorative yoga pose is a great shoulder opener and can be used to rest in between more difficult positions.

  4. Triangle Pose - This standing pose stretches your hips, hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders and your spine. It's also great for strengthening your knees, quads, and ankles.

  5. Seated Forward Bends - forward folds gives you more flexible hamstrings and a healthy spine. 

Remember, worrying about your health can cause undue stress that might affect your sleep patterns, digestion leading to anxiety and depression.

Spend 20 minutes a day with these stretches - either during sunrise or sunset and see how powerful Yoga is.

To learn more on how we personalize the best yoga/lifestyle approaches for your specific body type schedule a comprehensive consult with us! Virtual or In-person.


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