“Ghee” -an Ayurvedic Perspective


Ghee – An Ayurvedic Perspective

In the Ayurvedic wisdom, ancient scriptures like Rig Veda, Bhagawad Gita, Ghee is a celebrated sacred symbol of purity, auspiciousness and potency. 

Ghee-as a symbol of Purity 

The ancient Vedic culture explain ghee to be hidden in milk like god in creation. Ghee is the essential offering in all Yagnas, and Cows are considered as the most sacred animal. The milk of cow is said to be jivaniya which means restorative, and rasayana, meaning regenerative. The cows in Vedas represent the giving nature of life. In Hindu custom, while serving food a little ghee is sprinkled on the top, symbolizing that ghee purifies food.

We will proclaim the name of ghee;
We will sustain it in this sacrifice by bowing low.
These waves of ghee flow like gazelles before the hunter…
Streams of ghee caress the burning wood.
Agni, the fire, loves them and is satisfied. – Rig Veda

Ghee – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Cow’s Ghee and its effect on Tridoshas

Let me give a general explanation about Doshas in Ayurveda. Doshas are primary constitutional factors of the body, which maintains the integrity. The available description of doshas is qualitative and functional and hence cannot be described or determined quantitatively. Basically, doshas are three- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The state of equilibrium of these doshas results in the orchestrated, harmonious wellbeing of the human body and their disequilibrium can result in various diseases of mind and body. 

Now, the effect of Ghee in doshas. Ghee is generally known to pacify Pitta and Vata. As a rule, the substances that pacify Pitta, decreases the digestive fire. Ghee is an exception here. Though ghee pacifies pitta, it doesn’t alter the digestive fire. 

Properties of Ghee 

  • Ghee is apt for those who wish to enhance intellect, memory, discriminative ability, digestion and metabolism, strength and immunity, longevity, virility and vision. 

  • It’s apt and friendly for young and adult. 

  • It’s desirable for those who wish to have progeny, to enhance complexion, beauty and sweetness of voice. 

  • It has cooling and smoothening effect on the body. 

  • It is congenial for those exhausted of weakness after trauma, afflicted with cellulitis, surgery and cautery. 

  • Ashtanga hridaya (Classical textbook on Ayurveda) adds, ghee is one of those dietary product that can be consumed by all at all times. 

There is another concept called as Purana Ghrita in Ayurveda. Purana ghrita means, ghee which is 1 year older. There are some added benefits to purana ghrita other than those mentioned above. It is used for the treatment of Intoxication, epilepsy, fainting and diseases affecting head, ears, eyes and gynecological diseases. It is also used to clean chronic ulcers. 

When processed with appropriate medicines, its curative power is immense and can be used in several diseases. The unique property of ghee called as “yogavahi” helps in absorbing the active constituents of any herbal drug introduced in to it, without losing its inherent qualities. 

During my clinical practice, I have often heard the question when exactly should a person be introduced to ghee?

The answer is quite simple. Right from birth. Ashtanga Hridaya says, immediately after the birth child’s body should be wiped off with Ghee and rock salt. Though this process in not in practice and is irrelevant today, once the umbilical cord falls off the application of ghee in the umbilical region ensures the easy healing and another procedure called as Swarnaprashana (an ancient health tonic for improving the intellect, immunity and strength for children) has ghee as the main ingredient.  

How to consume ghee?

As a great way to start your day, half a teaspoon of ghee can be take along with breakfast. This ensures increased capability of digestion and assimilation throughout the day. 

Ghee is one among the dietary substances advised daily by Ayurveda. Even pregnant ladies can consume ghee daily because of it cooling effect on the body and sweet nature which is congenial and habitual to everyone. 
Are there any contraindications for consumption of ghee?

Yes, there are. In conditions like Jaundice, Fatty liver conditions, pregnancy associated with hyperlipidemia, fever, Cold, hepatitis, diarrhea and indigestion.

Read more on how on Ghee Preparation. in the upcoming blogs.


Ghee preparation


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