
Nutrients for Healthy Hair
Dr. Beri Dr. Beri

Nutrients for Healthy Hair

The health of the hair begins with the food we eat, and depends deeply on our digestive strength—as does the health of every other tissue and system. Ayurvedic hair care is largely about rejuvenation—for the hair, for specific tissues that may be affecting hair health, and for the body as a whole.

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Indian Goose Berry/ Amla - Why is it good for Skin and Hair ?

Indian Goose Berry/ Amla - Why is it good for Skin and Hair ?

You've heard the saying, "you are what you eat," but "you are what you digest" is more accurate. It's a more complete level of understanding, because digestion converts food into energy — producing nutrients that support and sustain your body and experiences. Poor digestion can lead to imbalances, low energy, gas, a heavy feeling and a buildup of digestive impurities and many other problems.

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Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair
holistic beauty Dr. Beri holistic beauty Dr. Beri

Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair

Hair grows out of tiny pockets in your skin called ‘follicles’. It grows from roots made up of cells of proteins. There are blood vessels under your scalp which feed the blood giving rise to more cells and thereby making the hair grow.

As it grows, it passes the oil glands (sebaceous) which add oil to hair keeping it shiny and lustrous. The hair shaft is the part of the hair you see outside is actually dead hair. It’s only the root that grows!

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