Nutrients for Healthy Hair


According to Ayurveda, the health of the hair begins with the food we eat, and depends deeply on our digestive strength—as does the health of every other tissue and system. Ayurvedic hair care is largely about rejuvenation—for the hair, for specific tissues that may be affecting hair health, and for the body as a whole.

Just like skin nutritional deficiency may impact both hair structure and hair growth. So, what are the nutritional deficiencies that results in hair loss?

• Iron deficiency (ID) – Include liver, lean red meat, chicken, seafoods like oysters, lentils and beans, tofu, nut, seeds, soy, molasses etc.

• Zinc - Dietary risk factors include vegetarianism, as bioavailability of zinc is lower in vegetables than meat. Additionally, vegetarians typically consume more legumes and whole grains, which contain phytates that bind to zinc and inhibit absorption.

• Niacin – Include Tuna, Portabella mushrooms, Brown rice, peanuts, Avocados etc.

• Selenium – Selenium is involved in creating hair. It is reported that newly forming hair takes up selenium after receiving trace elements from the blood. Include Brazil nuts, Tuna, shell fish, tofu etc.

• Vitamins like A, E, D, Folic acid, Biotin

• Amino acids & Proteins

Healthy-appearing hair is a sign of excellent general health, as well as good hair care practices. Maintaining a nutritious diet is the best way to improve the health and growth of hair.


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