Nritya Yoga


The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of it as the union occurring between mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is not a religion, but it is a philosophy that has endured 5,000 years. Yoga refers to the practice of physical postures or poses called "asana's".

The important component of Nritya Yoga is classical dance. Combination of Indian classical dance with science of Yoga ,the ultimate result will be a fitter body and mind. Yoga is now becoming an increasing popular form of exercise world wide. By combining yoga with the mudras and hitting toes and heels on the ground the benefits of acupressure will be received as well. Concentration is really important while you dance to a music. Therefore Nritya yoga gives the benefits of meditation as well.

In Natya shastra (Indian Treatise on Performing Arts) it is told

Yatho hastha tatho drishti

Yatho drishti thatho mana

yatho mana tatho bhava

Yatho bahava thatho rasa


"Where the hand goes,eyes should move. Where the eyes moves, mind should follow. And where the mind goes there will be the expressions and where expressions are there it can recereate emotions."

MUDRAS -Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. Mudras have been classified in to Asamyukta hastas (done using single hand ) and samyukta hastas( done using both hands )

ADAVUS-Adavus form the ABCs of pure dancing (Nritta) in Bharatanatyam. It is a combination of positon of legs, posture of our standing ,walking, movement and hand gestures.

It helps to develop flexibility and overcome the initial muscle crampsand sore feet at the beginning stages

Attain right posture

Develop stamina

Become swift and agile and attain control over the body

Combination of basic yoga, Mudras and Adavus along with bhavas will help you to conquer Nritya Yoga. 

The benefits are many- as already mentioned

Improved body balance

Eye movements acts as eye excercises

Improving memory and concentration

Improves blood circulation and helps to get closer to a healthier heart

Increases aerobic fitness and controls weight.

Let this therapeutic dance form  brings Physical and spiritual wellness with happiness all around.


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