Indian Goose Berry/ Amla - Why is it good for Skin and Hair ?

You've heard the saying, "you are what you eat," but "you are what you digest" is more accurate. It's a more complete level of understanding, because digestion converts food into energy — producing nutrients that support and sustain your body and experiences. Poor digestion can lead to imbalances, low energy, gas, a heavy feeling and a buildup of digestive impurities and many other problems.

Though there are so many signs of digestive imbalances, let’s focus on one today - Skin irritation. Acne, eczema so many skin diseases can be a cause of digestive imbalance. If you have an unhealthy gut it can have a big impact on our overall health and especially the appearance of your skin, including spots, inflammation, eczema and rosacea.

. Indian Goose Berry/ Amla - Why is it good for Skin and Hair ? 

The little fruit is stuffed with innumerable health benefits that can ever be imagined. These fruits are reputed to contain high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), up to 445 mg per 100 g. They are also packed with pigment antioxidant polyphenolics, and other vitamins A and B. Gooseberries are low in calories; 100 g of fresh berries hold just 44 calories. As in blackcurrants, they too have significantly high amounts of phenolic phytochemical, especially flavones and anthocyanin. Both of these compounds have been found to have numerous health-benefiting effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

Ayurvedic Perspective- 

The word Amla refers to sour, which is its predominant taste. Its botanical name is Emblica officinalis or Phyllanthus emblica. It contains all the Rasas except Lavana (salty). Amla is known to pacify the Tridoshas- cooling potency reduces the Pitta, Sweet taste pacifies Vata and Kapha is balanced primarily due to its drying action. 

Ayurveda Scholar Charaka mentions Amla to be a drug which can be taken on daily basis. He included Amla among the Vayasthapana (antiageing) group of drugs. 

[Reference - Charaka Samhita - Sutra Sthana 5th Chapter ]

Amla is one of the main ingredients of Chyawanaprash ( Herbal Rasayana) which contains 43 herbal ingredients along with clarified butter, sesame oil , sugar cane juice and honey was first mentioned in Charaka Samhita ( Ancient Classical Text book of Ayurveda) 

Other Medicinal properties of Amla - 

Traditionally Amla is used for Skin diseases, it relieves constipation and is used for enhancing proper digestion, also used for blood purification , in treating fever and cough, and is beneficial to heart and eyes. It improves the intellect and is known to promote hair growth. It controls Diabetes as well. 

How to consume Amla ? 

The amla fruit is eaten raw or cooked into various dishes.

The best way to consume amla is to eat it afresh. If you are not comfortable with that, you can also crush its pulp to extract juice and drink it. Dose for such extracted juice is – 5- 10 ml per day.

1. Amla in Honey Recipe 

Vitamin C in the amlas, help in iron absorption and honey is wonderful in raising the blood count. They taste wonderful and doesn't have any bitterness at all. 

Wash the amlas and pierce it all over with a fork.  Arrange the pricked gooseberries in a glass bottle and pour pure honey on top. Close with a lid and keep it in sunlight for few days, till the amlas leach out water completely. Now take the amlas alone in another dry bottle and pour fresh honey on top, now this amla in honey mixture will last a long time. 

2. Amla Dal Recipe


Toor dal/ split pigeon peas  : 1 cup

Tomatoes : 1 cup chopped into big pieces

Onion : 1/2 cup chopped into big pieces

amla / Indian gooseberry /  : 10 no

Red chili  powder : 1 tsp

turmeric : pinch

For tempering:

Mustard seeds - 1 tsp

Oil - 1 tsp

Curry leaves - few 

Method of preparation-

Wash and place the dal in a pressure cooker. Now add the tomatoes, amla along with red chilli powder and cut onions. Add some water and a pinch of turmeric and cook till the dal becomes soft and mushy.It takes about 3 whistles in the pressure cooker. Let it cool down and then remove the lid and mash it with the masher. Add the salt and adjust it to taste.

Now take a pan and add oil. Splutter mustard seeds and add the curry leaves. Pour it over the Dal and mix thoroughly. Serve hot. 

External Use of Amla 

They are highly used in Shampoos and hair oil. 

Amla Hair oil - 

Amla powder - 250 g + 100 g

Water - 4 L 

Coconut oil - 500 mL 

( Coconut oil can be substituted with sesame oil in patients with Sinusitis or Cold ) 

How to prepare Amla Hair oil ? 

Make decoction first. 250 g of Amla powder and 4 L of water is heated in medium heat and reduced to 1L. Next add 100 g of Amla powder to little water and make fine paste. Now heat together coconut oil, Amla decoction and Amla paste together. Heat should be in medium flame and heat until the oil remains and water gets completely evaporated. Filter and store in an air tight container. 

This oil helps in hair growth and prevent premature growing of hair. It relieves dandruff and dryness of scalp as well. 

Amla is also used in a classical Ayurveda Treatment called as 'Takra Dhara '. 


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