Summer Recipes with Blue Berries 


Blueberries are small but highly nutritious berries. They taste amazing. According to Ayurveda, they’re perfect for summer (Pitta season) because they cool the body and fall under the Pitta pacifying diet. The health benefits of blueberries and their Ayurvedic properties are quite remarkable. Read more, and take advantage of seasonal fresh blueberries with the following blueberry recipes for summer.

Blueberries have a good source of fiber (approximately 14% of daily fiber) and are low in calories. Among all fruits and vegetables, blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity. Blueberries contain flavonoids and phytochemicals that possess antioxidant properties. They also contain anthocyanins which play an important role in weight loss, diabetes and insulin sensitivity.

Fresh Blueberry Yogurt

Blueberries and fresh homemade yogurt bring out the best in each other. The high fiber content of the berries (almost four grams per cup) bolsters the healthy probiotic bacteria found in freshly made yogurt which, when homemade, is Pitta pacifying, helping it survive the perilous journey through the digestive tract. Once in the gut, the probiotics help the body absorb the soluble fiber of the blueberries.


3 1/2 cups blueberries

2/3 cup freshly made yogurt

2 1/2 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp lemon juice

grated coconut, pistachios, pumpkin seeds (optional)


Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Top with grated coconut, pistachios or pumpkin seeds.

Blueberry Mint Smoothie


2 cups blueberries

1 kiwi, peeled and sliced

3-4 large mint leaves, finely chopped

1 cup coconut water

honey (optional)


Put all ingredients in a blender and mix it up. Add honey if required.

Blueberry Cucumber Salad


1 cucumber

2 cups (1 pint) fresh blueberries

2 Tbsp thinly sliced scallions

2 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp lime juice

½ cup coarsely chopped cilantro or parsley leaves, loosely packed

¼ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon black pepper


Peel cucumber and cut into thin slices. In a large bowl, toss the cucumber, blueberries, scallions and cilantro together. In a separate small bowl, whisk the olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, salt and pepper. Pour over the cucumber mixture and toss to combine.


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