Are you ready for a spring cleanse ?
What is Ritu Sandhi?
The seven days at both the end and the commencement of seasons (ritus) is known as Rithu sandhi. The gap between seasons is generally a delicate period. During this time immunity, strength and digestion reduces.
Now we are approaching a Ritu Sandhi. The winter is almost over, and we are slowly steeping in to spring. This time of fluctuation provides a natural opportunity to cleanse the body. Also, Ayurveda advises one to have a light, warm diet which can easily be digested and assimilated during this period. The regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should be adopted (gradually). Sudden discontinuance or sudden adoption gives rise to diseases.
In chapter three of Charaka Samhita, Sarirasthana, the author Charaka says, “The strength and complexion of the person knowing and practicing the suitable diet and regimen for every season is accordingly enhanced.”
With the change in season, the change is very evident in the environment.
According to Scholar Classics, during the Spring (Vasanta Ritu) the accumulated Kapha during the winter season is liquified by the heat of the sun and as such disturbs the power of digestion and causes many diseases.
Practices to follow in Spring –
administer therapies like emesis, etc.
avoid heavy, unctuous, sour and sweet diets.
One should not sleep during day time. Day sleep increases the Kapha in the body.
Resort to exercise to keep the body active and to manage the weight gained in winter.
Include food consisting of barley, wheat, raisins, old wine, honey etc.
Palm massage and patting helps to relieve joint and muscle stiffness due to Kapha accumulation
Spring Cleanse – Everything you need to know.
Ayurveda practices Tridosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) theory. For the correction of abnormalities of Tridosha and related body constituents, specific therapy among the Panchakarma is practiced like
Vamana for Kapha Dosha,
Virechana for Pitta Dosha
Basti for Vata Dosha
Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. It is preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy.
The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, with great potential for improved energy, strength, and immunity, as well as a renewed love of life.
An ayurvedic cleanse can do the following to your body.
Rest and resets the digestive system
Eliminates toxins
Boosts immunity
Improved balance and overall health
Preparing yourself for a spring cleanse
Clean up your diet and habits at least 3 days before starting the cleanse
Reduce or avoid the use of coffee, alcohol, fast and junk foods, processed meals, frozen meals etc.
Include fresh organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds
Improve your digestive system by using spices like cumin, pepper etc. in diet. Or you can drink warm water boiled with cumin seeds through out the day.
An easy practice you can follow is,
Start your day with an 8-ounce glass of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. After that do mild relaxation Yoga. Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga may help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate.
You can do Surya Namaskara or Sun salutations, Reclined Bound Angle Pose, Corpse Pose, child pose etc.
Eat a Very simple diet for 7 days. Include high quality proteins like mung beans, lightly cooked vegetable and ghee in diet.