10 Ways To Boost Your Mood In The New Year

What Will Help You?

There are a great many types of foods that will help you when you are feeling down. Now, you may want to eat sugary and sweet foods, and where it will give you a temporary  "sugar rush" it will not satiate your needs. There are many other healthy alternatives, that will have you feeling better, for a longer period of time. Our mood is so connected to what we eat!!! Thanks to science of Microbiome we have understood the that there is a healthy connection of the gut and the brain. So lets explore some health foods that will also improve our mood

10. Beans and Lentils 

Beans and Lentils are full of feel good nutrients as well as being excellent sources of fiber. These foods are full of vitamin B which has been known to boost levels of serotonin and dopamine which are good hormones. These neurotransmitters are capable of bringing peace and happiness for you for an extended period of time. Not only do beans and lentils help you with your mood but they also help you with detoxifying, digestion, and are rich in zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, selenium, and non-heme iron, which may likewise elevate your spirits. These delicious and healthy foods are great to eat whenever you are feeling down, or 8even when you are looking for something new to eat

9. Tea

Tea is without a doubt one of the most popular drinks in the world, and that's rightfully so. Caffeine which is found in tea prevents a naturally occurring compound called adenosine. Adenosine is a compound that attaches itself to your brain receptors that promotes laziness and fatigue. Since caffeine blocks these receptors, it increases your alertness and attention, and that is why people drinking a morning tea or coffee before work is a very popular tradition. With that said you don't want to overdo it

8. Citrus Foods 

Citrus Foods such as oranges, grapefruit, and lemon are great sources of vitamin C.Citrus fruits are rich in multiple nutrients such as flavonoids, and fiber. They have various benefits that are all great. It provides vascular protection, reduces inflammation, improves gastrointestinal function and health, and plays an important role in preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, neurological disease. And anyways they are delicious foods and condiments that will make you feel better. I love my clementine 

7. Oats

Who doesn't love oatmeal and oats. There are so many different ways to make it and different variations of it. And depending on what way you like to eat it will make you feel better and fill you up with energy for the day. Oats have soluble fiber beta-glucan and antioxidants called avenanthramides. These compounds help you  lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and can activate hormones in your body that lessen fatigue and in turn make you happier.

6. Seaweed

Now initially this food may seem weird but it is a very popular snack among so many people. Seaweed is rich in vitamins C, B, A, and E. Not only that but it also has calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, and iodine. It  contains omega-3s and polyphenols, and is a good source of protein and fiber. The energy and sunshine that this food will make you feel is unbelievable.

5. Black Beans 

Black beans are great for eating to make you feel better.The antioxidants, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates in black beans make them nutritionally powerful. A diet rich in beans can reduce your risk of several serious medical conditions and help your body to process calories more effectively. Just eat these beans, and you might be happy enough to make more green beans if you know what I mean.

4. Plain Greek Yogurt 

Who doesn't love to eat Greek yogurt. It is a healthy source of lean protein and is a healthy probiotic that can promote gut health, increase bone health, lower blood pressure, and reduce your hunger. Not only that but if you are not a fan of the original Greek yogurt you can put some condiments like fruits that will make the eating experience much much better.


Ginger is another great food to eat. Now it is a very powerful flavor, so to start you should implement it to you food dishes.Ginger may have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and other healthful properties that all make your day to day life so much more healthy, and flavorful!

2.Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple Cider Vinegar has become popular recently, but it has always had the same benefits. But ,it is not a natural remedy for many diseases and helps with your overall physical health, but it will give you the boost you need to help you through the day. It's actually fermented apple that is crushed and exposed to yeast, and it is incredibly potent. So when you do drink it, I would recommend small shots and grow progressively. 


Now who would have thought that such a common drink would be so great.Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue. Since your brain is mainly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. It promotes weight loss, flushes out toxins, it improves skin complexion. But these are very few benefits if they are all around great as drink… water. So all I can tell you is drink plenty of water

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