Ayurveda For Hot Flashes

How to adapt a Pitta pacifying diet and regimen for hot flashes:

How to adapt a Pitta pacifying diet and regimen for hot flashes?

There is a period called a perimenopausal period which occurs around age 40 years in women. In Ayurveda it is called as Rajonivarthi kala.

Generally, the following symptoms are shown during this period.

  • Scanty/prolonged period of menstruation

  • Mood elevations

  • Excessive sweating

  • Loss of sleep/Insomnia

  • Hot flushes

  • Anorexia or decreased appetite

  • Lower sex drive

  • Vaginal dryness etc.

Here we are going to discuss how a pitta balancing diet and regimen can be followed to avoid hot flashes during this period. 

A balanced Pitta will always reduce the hot flashes and night sweating associated with Menopause. Keep the following things in mind to balance Pitta during the menopausal period.

  1. Remember to relax physically, mentally and emotionally. Practice Yoga and pranayama or engage yourselves in your favorite sports.

  2. Never skip meals, especially Lunch. Include sweet juicy fruits, cooling spices like coriander, fennel and mint.

  3. Avoid sour, salty and spicy foods.

  4. Drink lots of room temperature water.

  5. Regularly practice abhyanga with a pitta pacifying oil and use room temperature water for bathing.

  6. Use herbs like triphala, ashwagandha, usheera etc. as per the instructions of your practitioner

  7. Undergo a shodhana therapy or Virechana once in 6 months to keep the pitta in check.


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