Lentil Soup/ Dal Recipe

I think wellness begins with what we put in our bodies. It just makes sense doesn’t it? One of the easiest ways to put the right thing in your body is by having home cooked fresh meals. Here is a super simple recipe of Lentil Soup. 

Lentils are low in calories making them a perfect choice for weight watchers and high in nutrition. They are easy to cook, and a hassle-free compliment to any meal not to mention they taste amazing. 

You will need - 

A tablespoon of butter

1 small onion chopped

1 clove crushed garlic

1 cup green lentils

Salt as required

¼ tsp. turmeric

¼ tsp. cumin

¼ tsp. coriander

Pinch of chilli powder

Pinch  whole garam masala

1 tablespoon of double cream/ coconut cream

Chopped Spinach

Method of preparation -

Heat the butter in a saucepan, saute onion and garlic until slightly brown and cooked through.

Add all herbs and saute for a min or two.

Soak green lentils for 30 mins in boiling water, then cook for about 20 to 30 mins until lentils are cooked.You can also soak the lentils overnight. 

Once cooked add to the spice mix, thoroughly heat through, add chopped Spinach, turn off heat and then add the cream, stir through.

Serve with Pita bread/Rice.


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