Vitamin C Food Sources

Why is vitamin C so important? Isn’t it just like every healthy vitamin that enters your body?  The difference is that vitamin C helps to support body growth and heals broken tissues all throughout your body parts. Every kind of vitamin has a different role to support the systems in your body. A must have if you are dealing with skin conditions like Acne, Aging Skin or Eczema Prone skin.

What are some fruits that have high levels of vitamin C? 

Some of the top fruits with the highest levels of vitamin C are just the average fruits you have on your kitchen counter. Here are a few of the best fruits to consume for a good amount of Vitamin C: 

  • Watermelon

    • Watermelon is a delectable summer time treat to enjoy! It is a great antioxidant, in other words, nutrients that block damage of free radicals, or uncharged molecules of DNA or RNA in your body. Antioxidants like watermelon can actually help to prevent cancer and heart disease. 

  • Mango

    • Mangos are sweet fruits to have especially when ripe and hardened. They have important protein used to heal wounds and form tissues in your body. Although it may not seem like it, the vitamin C in mangos can repair your teeth and bones which is very important to staying healthy. 

  • Orange

    • Oranges are sweet and give an extra punch of sour, citrusy flavor. They’re not only scrumptious but since they contain a great amount of vitamin C, but just like a bunch of other healthy fruits, they help to clear away some damage that could have been done to our DNA and prevents skin damage. From magnesium, oranges help to keep your body’s blood pressure normal and lowers cholesterol. 

Some other great sources are grapes, berries, pineapple, guava and grapefruits.

How can you incorporate these kinds of fruits into your everyday meals? 

Fruits can be eaten any time of the day, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or a drink. Many fruits contain the high levels of Vitamin C needed to keep your body healthy which is why it's a good idea to start adding them to your normal routine right away.  These fruits all taste amazing and have huge health benefits! Why wouldn’t you want that extra punch of Vitamin C?  The best habits are avoiding mixing citrus fruits with your meal like lunch/dinner. Keep a healthy 30 min gap for your body enzymes, and digestive juices to make the most of the vitamin c rich foods first.

Have fun adding these fruits creatively into your diet and remember all the hidden health benefits that one small slice of watermelon can have to your body!

By Dia B.


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