Here is a tasty Ayurvedic recipe to have as a garnish, or a sauce dip made with fresh coconuts. A heathy Gut is a healthy mind-body &skin !

Coconut Chutney

Ingredients – 

  1. Grated coconut – 1 cup

  2. Chili powder – 2 tsp. 

  3. Cumin seeds – ½ tsp. 

  4. Shallots – 1

  5. Curry leaves – few

  6. Garlic powder – ½ tsp. 

  7. Mustard seeds – ½ tsp 

  8. Coconut oil – 1 tsp. 

  9. Salt – to taste 

Method of preparation – 

In a blender, blend smooth grated coconut, cumin seeds, garlic powder, shallots, chili powder and salt with enough water. Take a pan, add 1 tsp coconut oil, splutter mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add the blended mixture. Don’t over heat the mixture. Just make it warm. Serve with Iddli (savory rice cake) or Dosa (Rice pancakes). 

You can substitute red chili powder with 2-3 green chilies and can make the white chutney. 

Ayurveda Facts – 

  • Coconut is predominant in sweet taste and has cooling properties. 

  • Coconut balances aggravated Vata and Pitta, but slightly increases the Kapha. But the spices added here along with coconut pacifies Kapha as well, making this a Tridoshic Recipe. 

Try out this simple and delicious Ayurveda recipe. 


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