Winter Solstice

Once again it is that time of the year, where our Sun is at the lowest point of the sky , come Dec 21s, marks the shortest day of the year for the northern hemisphere, also know as the Winter Solstice. This is when the Sun appears the lowest in the Northern Hemisphere sky and is at its farthest southern point over Earth – directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. According to astrologers this is also the time the Sun will start its journey to the northern parts of the Zodiac, rising higher in the degrees.

This Solstice of Dec 21st 2020 is marked in the books to be significant , it also marks the great conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn at 6 degree of Capricorn; they will be seen closest to each other in the sky. The next time they will get this close together in our sky won't be for another 60 years, so this is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event for many people. In fact, the last time they got this close together was in the year 1623, but it was really difficult, if not impossible, to see them then because they appeared much closer to the Sun and set soon after it. Go back another 400 years to 1226 and this would have been the last time that we would have had a good view of this type of conjunction.

So what is significant of the energies around this Winter Solstice: We are called to let go of our limited beliefs, fears and insecurities that are nothing more than our illusions of the old ways, and things that are of this 3D reality . We are called to really witness each fear for what it is and then make a choice to consciously go beyond the fear and ascend to a higher time line, a time line that is of the light, peace and welcoming the new Gold age of the Aquarius. This period is called the Dawn of the Aquarian Age . The age in which the ascension of humanity is based on the Knowledge “ I know” rather than “I believe”. It is the age of information. Through knowledge of the truth, we are set free to know the reality from the illusion, we are able to move forward in prioritizing our vision and goals in life, by letting go of our past patterns and fears. How do we let go- by knowing that those fears were based on fear of the unknown.

what we do not know- brings fear, and so knowledge sets us free. Now we have the power to let go of the past by bring the truth to the conscious mind. Choose the reality that is based on love prosperity and peace. The decision that no one else can make for us. We can choose what we experience. The great conjunction marks the time to end all karmic debt and relationships that way heavy on our hearts and souls, and choose freedom from our past selves. We no longer have to be stuck in the old reality loop, we can break this loop by forgiving ourselves and forgiving all.

We must find love within ourselves and then find love for the ALL. This love then becomes the driving force of our lives. Embracing the new reality, a higher living, in a world that is based on love and harmony. This is an ascension time for all humanity, if we choose this path of ascension.

This solstice and this conjunction forms the bridge to the other side, to the Golden Era and we can choose to cross over by letting go, forgiveness and universal love. Acknowledging our sacred existence as an eternal being in human form. Say yes to clarity, and walk away to all that is based in ignorance. And vision is granted to all those that choose truth.

Much Love.

Wishing you all a Happy Winter Solstice.


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