How to plan a perfect healthy lunch


Lunch should be the largest meal of the day as per Ayurveda. This is because at noon the digestive fire will be strong and is generally considered as Pitta period. 

Planning a healthy lunch according to your prakrithi (constitution) can help in attaining proper immunity and even prevent most of the diseases. Acharya Sharangadhara , an ayurveda scholar says Food is the best medicine. 

Let’s first look at the general rules for a perfect lunch 

1. Lunch should be made fresh, and it should be the largest meal of the day. 

2. Food should be warm. Eating warm food is nourishing and balancing to all the doshas.

3. Don’t eat in a hurry, chew well and enjoy the food in a well lighted calm place. 

4. If you are a working individual try to use a thermos to keep the food warm. 

5. How each Dosha specific person should drink water during meals in also mentioned in Classics. People with Vata dominant person should drink water only one hour after eating a meal. This will help their food digest in a better way. People with pitta predominance can have small sips during meals to start their digestion process early and people with kapha constitution should have water before taking meals so that they feel full and not eat more. 

Tips for a perfect lunch -

1. Avoid raw salads, though fresh it aggravates Vata. Instead sauté your vegetables in spices and ghee and have warm for lunch. Cooked vegetables can be taken balanced by what your Dosha says. 

2. Pitta person can opt for a Kitchdi with basmati rice, moong beans, enough vegetables, turmeric, cilantro etc. Basmati rice is ideal for Vata and Pitta persons. Kapha persons can opt for brown rice which is more heating and dry. Vata person can include more spices like mustard, ajwain, asafetida, cumin etc. 

3. Sweet potato pacifies all the thread Doshas. And hence is an ideal choice for lunch. Sauté it with a tsp of ghee and spices. Add greens to it if you are Pitta or Kapha person. Vata persons can avoid greens. 

4. Soup is a good way to start your lunch. A warm soup with blend of spices, garlic and ginger is an ideal choice. Use butternut squash, lentils, carrots, mushroom according to Dosha.

5. If you are not vegan, go for healthy white fish or organic chicken. Avoid red meat. 

6. You can even try lemon rice (Vata and Pitta), tomato rice (pacifies Kapha), coconut rice (Vata and Pitta) , curd rice( pacifies Pitta )etc. Add cooked vegetable in your rice.

7. You can have fresh fruits as desserts according to Dosha. Sauté banana with ghee and cinnamon and enjoy as a dessert. Or eat fresh berries after lunch. You can also Enjoy a cup of mango lassi, or even spices buttermilk with a pinch of sugar. 

Next time when you sit for lunch do remember this simple tips and enjoy a healthy Ayurvedic lunch.


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