Ayurvedic view points on Spring Cleanse


Spring is around the corner. Now is a great time to consider a natural way to detoxify your body and declutter your mind. Most health practitioners recommend a cleansing program every season because of all chemicals we encounter in our day to day life that include food, personal-care products and our environment. Do you know that we in the U.S. use over 80,000 chemicals in food containers and products that are not tested for any health effects.

Do you have any of the Symptoms listed below??

  • Weight gain 

  • Fatigue and Tiredness

  • Sleeping disturbances/Insomnia

  • Irritable bowel syndrome/Constipation

  • Skin problems

  • Hair fall/Premature greying of hair

  • Generalized aches and pains

  • Frequent cold and sinus infections

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s better you go for an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. 

Ayurveda Viewpoint of Cleanse:

Life (Ayu) is the combination of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul.

(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, 1.42)

Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit roots "Ayu"  means life and "Veda" means Science or Science of Life.

Ayurvedic literature is based on Samkhya philosophy of creation. A person has to cultivate an open mind and heart toward the philosophy of Samkhya because of its intimate connection with Ayurveda.

What exactly is a cleanse?

A cleanse is the easiest way to buffer your health and make yourself ready to face all the allergens and toxins in the body. No matter how hard you try it is impossible to avoid the exposure to toxins completely. Many toxic chemicals have been introduced using household cleaners, personal hygiene products and pharmaceuticals. Also, we have acquired a taste for caffeine, carbonated drinks, tobacco and alcohol, fast and processed foods, an abundance of meat, refined & artificial sugars and sweets. All these factors make cleanse a necessity for each one of us. 

Why is spring an ideal time for cleanse?

According to the Ayurveda classics there are six seasons and each season consists of 2 months. Among these six seasons, the Vasanta Ritu or spring season is from Mid-March to Mid- May. 

Our human body has a general tendency to increase Kapha during the cold winter seasons. This Kapha gets liquified by the heat of the sun in Vasanta Ritu/Spring season. This also diminishes our Agni or digestive fire. 

An impaired digestive fire and increase in Kapha can lead to so many diseases like the seasonal spring allergies. 

Also, our body tends to store up extra fat during the winter seasons. In spring, it sheds the stored fats along with Ama/toxins. 

A healthy diet along with a gentle spring cleanse can help you to get the spring back in your step.


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