The bliss body & the endocannabinoid system

There has been a lot of research currently focused on understanding this very new system and its intricate functioning within the body. Finally we have discovered the system within the body that proves that our mind is powerful and is connected as a single unit to the body and the skin responsible for its functioning and health.

The endocannabinoid system ECS was discovered recently in the last two decades, while scientist were researching on the effects of the plant cannabis on the body. Yes! this was accidental - and we had an amazing discovery at hand!. ECS is the system on which cannabis the plant acts on gives its effects.

Now since this is still very new and work in progress. scientist are still trying to clearly understand its effects on body. But we know some things about the ECS. It has three main components; Ligands, Enzymes and its receptors. The ECS is distributed widely across the body and body organs and other systems, including the skin!. This system works as a switchboard- which regulates the incoming signals to create harmony and balance in the body. Its basic action is as follows Once a stimulus comes to a nerve terminal the ECS triggers the release of its ligand called as the famous “ Bliss Molecule”= Anandamide that in turn creates reduces the overstimulation of the nerve terminal and hence restores a balanced state.

Anandamide is triggered as a response of the body during stress states to not allow the stress related hormones to cause excessive damage. There is no arguing that the anandamide levels are increased by practicing mindful activities like, meditation, yoga and breathing to relax the mind. This strengthens our ECS. Also when we combine relaxation techniques while performing skin procedures, it will help in creating a more restorative and balanced result. Since we now know that Anandamide can be released locally in the skin as well, we can focus on more local relaxation techniques like our signature massage and auric healing at BE Spa. Using the right aroma, relaxation and breath work creates the perfect ambiance for the bliss state in which anandamide acts optimally. We have finally discovered how the ancient plant of cannabis used in holistic medicine and esoteric practices has created many of its effects. But now having this knowladge it opens our doors to a brand new way of understanding the body and revising our approaches to restoring balance in the mind body and skin.

I do believe we have just stumbled upon one of the most revolutionary discoveries in health and wellness, to date.

Dr Beri.


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