Tips to power up your day with Ayurveda.

When we were younger, most of us were told to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner at a regular hour, shower, even play with our friends at a specific time. Everything has changed once we turned older. Adults do not have a set daily routine, or they don’t have a schedule to adhere. 

Ayurveda is called the science of life because it not only deals with diseases but also, maintains the health of a normal person. The first few chapters of all the classics hence mentions on how to maintain health by daily Ayurvedic regimen called as ‘Dinacharya’

In Sanskrit, Dina means day and Charya means Regimen.

From the view point of scholar Vagbhata let’s look at the art of daily regimen with Ayurveda.

  1. Healthy person should get up from bed at Brahma Muhurtha that is, before dawn, or around 45 minutes before Sun rise, around 5 – 6 am.

Time to wake up. It is advised to be awake at Brahma muhurta (45 minutes before sunrise). Though it might seem difficult to wake up at such an early hour (around 5 in the morning), the physical and mental benefits you obtain by waking up early are permanent and amazing. 

The fact is when you wake up early in the morning, before sunrise, the predominant dosha according to time is Vata. Vata is powerful and an active dosha. You can perform your activities with more energy if you wake up at Vata period of the day. But if you are waking up late, the next dosha cycle of the day is Kapha. Kapha is generally in slow pace, and you will have a feeling of heaviness and drowsiness if you wake up in the Kapha period of the day.

Also, the morning environment is generally one of peace and serenity. If you want to wake up early, you will always try to sleep at an early hour. This helps in regulating a proper biological rhythm in your day-to-day activities. An improper lifestyle is the major cause most of the diseases in life, such as diabetes, obesity, insomnia etc. Therefore, a proper biological rhythm ensures health to the body and mind.

  1. Splash your face with cold water and rinse out your mouth.

  2. clean teeth with herbs with astringent, pungent and bitter taste.
    To make your own toothpaste, grind a pomegranate fruit peel into a powder and mix it with 1/4-part neem powder and 1/4-part turmeric powder. Add a little sesame oil to bind it together or simply sprinkle it onto your toothbrush.

Here Turmeric mixed with water makes a powerful mouthwash replacement. Pomegranate fruit rind helps remove plaque from your teeth, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which protects the gums. 

  1. Drink Water in the Morning, if possible in copper cup.

According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three Doshas i.e Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It also ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes.

It’s a known scientific fact that human body cannot synthesize copper on its own. But it is an essential trace mineral required for proper metabolic functions. Then how does the body get adequate amount of Copper? It must be obtained from dietary sources like nuts, legumes, leafy greens and seafood. But the quantity obtained through dietary sources is less. There lies the advantage of drinking Copper infused water. 

Read more about the Benefits of drinking water from Copper vessel here – Health Benefits of drinking water from a Copper Vessel

  1. Evacuation-Sit, or better squat. The water, followed by sitting on the toilet at a specific time each day, helps to regulate bowel movements.

  2. Gandusha – Also called as Oil pulling.  Gargling with warm water, milk, or herbal decoction or herbal oil should be done afterwards. 

               Oil Pulling Slows Aging. It gives strength to your facial muscles and is one of the best anti-aging practices to prevent wrinkles. The best time to do oil pulling is on an empty stomach, before breakfast. Place 1 or 2 teaspoons of sesame oil into your mouth. Swish the oil around your teeth and mouth, ideally for up to 3 minutes, then spit it out.

  1. Abhyanga – oil massage

Abhyanga means massage. It should be done daily, morning. It delays ageing, relieves tiredness and excess of Vata (aches and pains). It improves vision, nourishes body tissues, prolongs age, induces good sleep and improves skin tone and complexion. Massage should be specially done on ears, head and legs. Massage should be avoided when there is increase of Kapha in the body, soon after Shodhana (Panchakarma procedure) and during indigestion. 

Read more about Abhyanga here - Abhyanga - Everything you need to know. 

  1. Vyayama – exercise

Exercise brings about lightness, it improves work capacity, increases digestion power, burns fat. It brings body into good shape. Ayurveda recommends you exercise on an empty stomach, so in the morning before breakfast or in the late afternoon before dinner are the best times.

  1. Snana – Bathing

Bathing improves digestion, acts as aphrodisiac, prolongs life, increases enthusiasm and strength. It helps to get rid of dirt, waste products, sweat, tiredness, excessive thirst, burning sensation and microbes.

Pouring warm water over the body bestows strength, but the same over  the head, makes for loss of strength of the hair and eyes.

  1. Eat at regular times. 

Ayurveda recommends eating breakfast sometime between 7 and 9 a.m., lunch between 12 and 1:30 p.m., and dinner between 5 and 7 p.m. According to Ayurveda, lunch is the most important meal of the day. That’s because your digestive fire peaks between 12 and 1 p.m., the same time the sun is at its peak. Ayurveda teaches that you’re not only what you eat, but what you successfully digest. Because your health is so connected with your digestion, it’s crucial to eat when you have the greatest capacity to digest what you’ve eaten.

 The dincharya or daily routine is an essential component of an Ayurvedic lifestyle and supports the body and mind through the entire day's activities. To help bring us in tune with nature as well as our own intelligence following daily regimen is essential. This proper morning routine can help in bringing peace and harmony to body and mind. These are simple but powerful tips to ensure good health.

Make the choices that work for you, knowing they’ll only make you healthier and more efficient with your time.

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Article prepared by Arya Krishna


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