Why your skin needs Exfoliation

It is a known fact that skin naturally sheds dead skin cells every 30 days or so. And new skin cells form the top layers of your skin. When the old dead cells are not properly shed off, skin can have numerous dry patches and may result in a flaky skin.

Exfoliation unleashes the power of your skincare routine. It can help speed up the process of shedding dead skin cells by removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Benefits of Exfoliation -

  • It unclogs the pores which results in fewer breakouts.

  • Long-term exfoliating is known to increase collagen production. Collagen can make your skin look plump, tight, and young.

  • With time, the skin will obtain a more uniform texture means regular exfoliation evens the skin tone.

  • Exfoliation improves the blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

  • It can also improve the skin moisture and hydration levels.

DIY scrubs

If you have acne-prone or blemished skin, a good exfoliating routine could be just what you need. By maintaining a twice-weekly exfoliating regime, you can keep dry, dull skin at bay without stripping away those necessary natural oils. You can make a very simple and healthy exfoliating scrub at home with ingredients that you can find in your kitchen.

Coffee Scrub -

½ cup coffee grounds

1 cup brown sugar

2 tsp. milk or buttermilk

1 tsp. honey

Method of preparing -

Add all ingredients to an airtight container and stir well.Gently splash your face with water or wet your face using a spray mist.Spread scrub over your face and neck, avoiding your eyes.Wet your hands and begin gently rubbing the mixture into your skin in a circular motion. Continue for 3-4 minutes.Rinse off with water and apply moisturizer.

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