April Vedic Astrology Forecast 2023

No holding back. This Martian energy in full force! With many exciting and important transits happening this month. To say the least we have the first Solar Eclipse of 2023.

A basic theme can be that you might be starting something for the first time in your life. It is the month to start making plans for the time ahead with all new energies.

The way we feel about the same situation might be different now. Be slow in reacting , and have patience until you have clarity,

Number 4: structure stability, order, putting a foundation in place

Major planets are in all moveable signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, Aquarius

If your Ascendent / Moon are in aries, this month will impact you significantly!. But depending on what house Aries represents, expect changes and unexpected events for all 12 Ascendents.

Here are some Important dates

April 1st, Mars and Mercury exchange signs as Mars enters Gemini : You may loose your patience, do not act on all your thoughts, be slow and act with caution.

Mercury stays in April for a long time with its retrograde cycle. Mercury will retrograde between 11 and 21 degrees.

Our actions are affected in areas of Mars significance in our chart.

April 6th: 1.Full moon in Virgo: 22 degrees of Hasta Nakshatra. Virgo Full moon could be a struggle between our emotions and our intelligence. But it urges us to check on facts and have a deep analysis. 

               2.Venus enters Taurus : This will strengthen the position of Venus, that revives a dead situation, Taurus , and Libra ascendent will feel a sign of relief. Finances, comfort and value of family in our life will be improved, Time for nourishment and keeping ourselves in healthy routine

               3.Mercury and Rahu Conjunct in Aries. This happens twice with the retrograde of Mercury . Skills and smartness is amplified, but could be combined with a restlessness

April 11th: Sun Conjunct Jupiter at 27 degrees of Pisces, Expert some clarity in our thoughts, however as Jupiter crosses the last degrees of Pisces from water to a fire element, there could be some internal conflicts with ideals, and best to not rush to decisions until Jupiter crosses into Aries by the 21st

April 19th: Rahu Ketu and Saturn at 10 degree Aspects in Aquarius-Aries-Libra: Any planets around this degree in the axis will have an impact, so check you natal placements. Typically this conjunction can feel heavy and restricting to the mind and energy, requiring as to slow down with its saturnian quality.

April 20th: Solar Eclipse in Aries 5 degrees: Sun with Rahu : All eclipses tend to be a transformative time. Expect it to create transformation in oneself in how we perceive things, with this being aries, we will have a new outlook and a brand new way of looking at things compared to any old programing.

April 21st : 1.Aries New Moon this new moon associated with the eclipse in Bharani Nakshatra involving Mercury as it is about to go retrograde, communication,setbacks in travel, internet , exchange of any nature can be delayed and so caution is advised

                  2.Jupiter Moves into Aries: I see this a 12 year cycle starting again as Jupiter enters the first house of the zodiac. It completes one year in each sign. Jupiter in aries will be bring new learning, new projects, new relationships and a higher way of looking at things in general.

                  3.Mercury Retrograde in Aries at 21 degrees. Again a time to slow down, reflect in matters of travel, transport, trade. Any natal planets around 11 degrees and 21 degrees of Aries would have more significant impacts in this cycle of Retrograde.

Truly a turbulent start to the Solar calender, with nodes creating the eclipses in April, but transformation is part of the journey. Buckle up for the ride.



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