What is the Kaalapurusha?

Astrology is an ancient science like Ayurveda. There are descriptions of astrology in many ayurvedic texts indicating that astrology was also a full-fledged science in ancient times like Ayurveda.

Kalapurusha is Time-personified, TIME itself viewed as a human being. Kaalapurusha or embodiment of time in simple terms corresponds to the time of birth.

Below are the Rashis which are considered as limbs of lord Vishnu. Since lord Vishnu is considered the sustainer in Hindu mythology, all things related to sustenance will be seen as pertaining to the domain of Vishnu.

The body of KAALAPURUSHA (Time personified) has been divided into twelve parts and each part has been assigned to a sign commencing from ARIES.

Aries - Head of the Kaala Purusha

Taurus - Face or as mentioned in sanskrit terms it is the mouth, the passage of throat and areas of face and neck

Gemini - The arms, neck and shoulders

Cancer - The Chest and heart

Leo - The stomach, liver, kidney and pancreas

Virgo - the hipbone area and the intestines

Libra - The pelvis

Scorpio - External sexual organs & Anus

Sagittarius - The thighs and buttocks

Capricorn - The Knees

Aquarius - The shanks and ankles

Pisces - The feet

The driving force of Kala (Kalatma) is the Sun – who is praised by the sacred ‘Gayatri’ of the Rig Veda. The cosmic mind of Kalapurusha is the moon.

In simple words Kaalapurush means every human being who are subject to time (Kaala means time and purusha means human).

Astrology predicts nature of a person and what happens to that person through his or her life span.


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