August 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

August 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast


We have some important emotional and psychological changes up ahead with this months transits.

The number 8, the sign of Leo along with the fire element are being highlighted this month. The theme is self-expression and being able to communicate who we are in an intellectual manner. Expect transformation and change, with authority figures, within governments and large organizations.

August is the 8th month of the year, the number 8 like the 8th house it deals with fluctuations, and sudden changes. This will be the beginning of the change that will complete by the 10 months as in October around the eclipse season.

We will question how we “feel” about everything.


The fire element, and fire signs are the most active throughout this month.

Jupiter is slow, about to turn retrograde and Saturn is speeding up in its retrograde.

 We have two full moons this month. The second half this month will be more about being intellectually approaching things while we focus on our confidence and self expression with courage.

 The theme of the month lies with the motion of Saturn. Jupiter will go retrograde on the 5th of September, aspecting Mercury for the entire month. When Sun joins Mercury in the second half of the month in Leo. Expect more confidence in moving ahead.


Some important dates:

 August 1 : Full Moon in August in Shraavana Nakshatra. : we have Mercury Saturn in opposition. We may experience some completion with Cancer and Capricorn placements in our chart


August 7 Venus will retrograde back in Cancer., While Mercury is in Purvaphalguni, Jupiter having its 5th aspect on Mercury- - this is a good day as all benefic planets are active.


August 13: Sun conjunct Venus at 27 degrees in Cancer, although Venus is combust and retrograde, expect some emotional exhaustion, so stay away from love quarrels or ego battles in relationships.


August 16 Cancer New Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra. At 29degrees. This impacts our comfort, peace of mind and emotions. Ashlesha brings transformation.

This might be a turbulent time. As Moon and Sun cross the deep waters of Cancer.


August 17 Sun crosses into LEO, which makes our energy and over all outlook with a flare of positivity. We will be able express ourselves more naturally.

 August 18, Mars enters Virgo in the enemy sign: Mars will be strong and protective here, towards self. Avoid ego clashes

 August 24rth Mercury turns retrograde in Purva Phalguni in Leo- important to work on self-expression.

 August 27th: Sun and Saturn appose each other. We might feel restricted to share our ideas and confidence.

 August 29th: Rahu and Ketu enter Libra and Aries Navamsha, where we search on our individuality, cutting out the dependence on anyone or anything these affecting Partnerships marriages of any kind.

 August 30th: Uranus turns retrograde in Aries: A planet of sudden changes, expect any pending changes to now present itself.

 August 31: Aquarius Full moon in Shatabishak Nakshatra. We have more faith in ourselves, the focus will be health and healing.

 The overall importance of these energies, is do not jump to reacting, listen, process, analyze and using this Mercury retrograde pause and think before expressing your truth so it comes from a firm and consistent as well as persistent side of you.

For a more in depth understand for your chart, book a personal astrology session with us.


Spinach Parathas/ Green Rotis


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