SO HUM Meditation

In scientific world, Meditation is defined as a form of cognitive training that aims to improve attentional and emotional self-regulation. So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and the literal meaning is “I am that”. Many vedic philosophers interpret that “So” symbolizes the fact that we are all connected to one single source of universal energy or in short to the concept of oneness.

So Hum meditation is a form of Mantra Meditation.

Mantra-based meditation (MBM) generally involves the continuous repetition of a word, phrase, or set of syllables (either silently or aloud) with or without religious/spiritual content. According to a research study on Effectiveness of Mantra-Based Meditation on Mental Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, MBM seems to produce significant small-to-moderate reductions (g > 0.40) of the levels of anxiety, stress (including post-traumatic), and general psychopathology, as well as small but also significant improvements in depression and mental health-related quality of life.

So Hum meditation is considered as a thoughtful technique and it can help clear your thoughts and also help connect you with your divine self. Practicing So Hum Technique is quite simple - the practice reflects the sound of your breath. When you say “So” you inhale, and as you exhale, you say, “Hum”.

But the first step to practice is always being comfortable. You can choose your favorite spot, and yoga pose like Sukhasana, Gomukhasana and make yourself comfortable. Once you are seated in a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Start chanting the mantra, “So Hum” in your mind. You can also say it out loud. With every “So” inhale and with every “Hum” exhale. While doing this, let your thoughts flow but don’t linger on them. Beginners can use a timer and set the time for 10 minutes to start with. Once finished bring your hands to folding pose (Anjali Mudra) and soak yourself in silence for a few minutes.

If you build a consistent practice, you can enjoy a wide array of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.


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