Tips for gentle cleansing

Cleansers are used to gently remove oil, dirt, and old skin cells that have built up on your skin either overnight or from the day. If you don not follow a proper cleansing routine, your skin and build up impurities. These impurities can gradually cause acne and then kick-start acne blemishes or result in irritation and redness that is hard to get rid of. 

So why gentle cleanser ? The idea of Gentle cleansers is that they use a base that is known to both break up oil yet not be harsh enough to disrupt the healthy skin barrier. If we use harsh chemicals on the skin it can result in dryness and cracked skin. If a cleanser is able to purify while also maintaining the integrity and hydration of your skin barrier, this would be considered a "gentle" cleanser.

  • According to American Academy of Dermatology using a gentle non-abrasive cleanser that does not contain alcohol can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin.

  • Before the use of a cleanser always wet your face with luke warm water.

  • For applying the cleanser to your face using a wash cloth or mesh sponge is the ideal way. Avoid using your finger tips since it tends to irritate the skin.

If you prefer to use natural cleansers at home, there are numerous options.

  1. 2 tbsp chick pea(besan) powder + 1 tsp. Turmeric powder + 2 tbsp. Milk - Make a paste and apply to your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash off thoroughly with water. Doing this twice a week and keep your skin clean.

  2. 1 tbsp. Milk + 2 tsp. Honey - Honey can provide the skin hydrating and soothing effects. Mix honey and milk together and apply to your face and neck. Leave it on for 30 seconds and pat your face and neck dry.

  3. 1 tbsp. Oatmeal + 1 tbsp. Yogurt - This one is my personal favorite. Colloidal oatmeal is an amazing facial cleanser. Make a fine paste of the ingredients and apply to face and neck and wash off with plain water.

At the end of a long day it is very important to cleanse your face. Essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, and peppermint oil are a few great oils that offer many benefits to the skin. If you are using natural cleansers adding these essential oils can give a natural aroma.


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