Quinoa as your 'superfood'

Quinoa, often described as a ‘super food’ or a ‘super grain,’ has become popular among the health conscious, with good reason. It is a super package of protein, fiber, Vitamins and minerals

Packed with protein and fiber, quinoa can certainly promote feelings of fullness and there by aids in weight loss. Quinoa is much higher in fiber than most grains. Quinoa appears to be very high in antioxidants. Sprouting increases their antioxidant levels even further.

Healthy Quinoa Breakfast
Cook 1⁄4 cup of Quinoa in 11/2 cups of almond milk. Make sure quinoa is well cooked and tender. Add your favorite choice of nuts, vegetables and fruits. Cover and cook for 5 more minutes. Serve warm.

The wonderful part about mindful eating is that it can benefit anyone and everyone. One of the main reasons that people turn towards pursuing a healthier lifestyle is because they want to feel better inside out. In order to make that special connection with food, it is better to cook yourself and enjoy healthy food


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