Laser hair removal in ethnic skin


Laser hair removal in ethnic skin is always a topic that we get asked on frequently by clients. The removal of unwanted hair through shaving, waxing or use of creams etc often leads to post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation and ingrown hairs for which most seek laser treatments.

Being of ethnic skin myself as a physician, I understand why this is an important topic of concern given the higher risk of pigmentation with lasers for ethnic skin. Ethnic skin carries a higher number of active melanin pigments within the melanocytes (pigment cells) of the dermal and epidermal layers. This makes ethnic skin more prone to pigmentation changes in application of heat in any form, specifically light.

Laser and Light technology has drastically improved over the decades, making treatments safe and effective for all skin types. That being said, it is of utmost importance to have a skilled physician to consult and perform the laser procedure. The technology we use is the Alma platform offering safe and effective hair removal on all skin types. The concern for pigmentation side effect is minimized by physician directed adjustments on the settings of heat delivery by the laser so the most effective heat is delivered to target the pigmented hair follicular cells rather than the skin cells.

A consultation prior to any treatment is essential to get the most information on the relevant medical history, specifically reactivity to heat. I always make it point to document any history of scarring specifically Keloids in the past that are a common occurrence for ethnic skin, Keloids are one contraindication for most heat treatments like laser and light based therapies in any skin type for safety. I recomend having a proper consultation with the physician performing the procedure to determine if you are a candidate for laser hair removal. Most ethnic skin treatments for laser hair removal under proper guidance have wonderful results, and relieve much of the stress caused by shaving or waxing.


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