The perfect way to use oil based cleansers for your skin

If you have oily skin you might be hesitant to use oil based facial cleansers. It seems logical that if you skin is producing excess oils, you feel that perhaps you should avoid using oily products. But this is a common myth that should be debunked.

Oil cleansers, depending on their blend can act as powerful substances to pull old dirt and grime from the skin and help in pulling out clogged pores, old makeup and and sweat from the skin, that helps in cleaning the surface and inhibiting unwanted bacterial colonization. Using the right blended oil cleanser will also help in creating a healthy moisture balance that is usually disturbed with harsh cleansers that have acids, chemicals, detergent type chemicals as bases. These tend to pull out the natural oils from the skin leaving them dull and dehydrated.

The best time to use oil based cleansers are in the shower, after a warm shower, your pores are open and oil cleansing here will allow for the oils to go deep into the pores, then after the shower use a damp towel to wipe your face clean- and voila!, so much of the dirt/grime and dead skin is pulled out with a single wipe. Oil cleansers to the trick if the are used right. With oily skin, that is acne prone and healthy cleanser is very important. A cleanser that can go deep but not damage the natural skin barrier and natural oils of the skin. This technique of using oil cleansers in the shower are a wonderful hack, to get the makeup/sweat/grime and dead skin off so can avoid the use of harsh chemical based toners and cleansers and still have a beautiful, refreshed and clean feel. Try it out. Checkout our Natural 10 oil based cleanser .


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