How to stay hydrated in scorching summer heat


 Here are some Ayurvedic tips on surviving the summer heat

  • Include foods in season to your diet. Yes, you heard me right! The food you eat account about 20% of your daily fluid intake. Summer fruits like melons, tomatoes, strawberries etc. are rich in water content. Similarly, Cucumber, oranges, lemon, guava, mangoes, Papaya etc. are rich in water content. Infuse your water with fresh fruits, cucumber, mint leaves etc. This can give a refreshing taste and can tempt you to drink more water. The influence of drink flavor and composition on voluntary drinking and hydration status in children exercising in heat was studied and was found that young boys drink up to 90% more fluid when it's flavored. 

  • Track your water intake. This makes you more aware of your status of hydration. Keep for yourself a refillable water bottle and make sure to refill it through out the day. 

  • You might need electrolytes during summer. Stick to plain coconut water with no added sugars to get ample electrolytes needed for the body. It is packed with electrolytes and can be refreshing as well. 

  • Try to avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks.

  • Drink water consistently. Don't wait for thirst to occur. Thirst is not always a reliable indicator of dehydration because older adults feel thirsty only when they are already dehydrated. 

  • Include the taste 'Salt' in diet. Salt is generally used to enhance flavors in foods. As per Ayurveda principles, salt is composed of water and fire elements. It's properties are hot, heavy and moist. It has deepana action which means improves digestion. It pacifies Vata and can aggravate Pitta and Kapha. We all know that the important element in salt is Sodium. Sodium is important to regulate the water content of the body. In addition to water your body loses electrolytes like sodium and potassium when you sweats. So adding salt to your diet helps. But make sure you don't take too much of salt. If your body contains too much of sodium, body tends to retain water. American heart association recommends 1500 milligrams of Sodium in a day which is a bit more than 1/2 tsp.


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