How to Best enhance your Mudra Practice with affirmation and meditation

Each finger in a Mudra represent one among the Pancha Mahabhootas.

• thumb symbolizes space

• the index is air

• the middle finger is fire

• the ring finger is water

• the pinky stands for earth

So, it’s believed that when you are using these fingers to do various mudras for meditation it channels

energy inwards towards the heart.

Let’s see the five popular mudras that can be used for meditation -

Varada mudra - Create the mudra by resting your left hand on your left knee with the palm facing up and the

fingers extended. You can make a different mudra with your right hand or just place it facing up on your lap, thigh, or knee.

Samadhi Mudra- Rest both hands on your lap with your palms facing up and your right hand on top of your left

hand. Lightly touch the tips of your thumbs together.

Jnana mudra - Curl your index fingers toward the base of your thumbs to create a circle. The rest of your fingers

remain straight out. Then rest your palms facing up or down on your knees.

Varuna Mudra- Touch the tip of your thumbs with the tip of your pinkies keeping your other three fingers

extended out. Then place your hands facing up on your knees.

Prana Mudra - Touch the tip of your thumb to the tips of your ring and little finger.

Practicing Mudras while doing meditation quiet the background chatter of your mind thereby increasing

the concentration and mindfulness. They can act as the bridge between your inner spiritual experience

and your outer interactions with the world.


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How Mudras help for channeling the energy?