How Mudras help for channeling the energy?

Each finger in a Mudra represent one among the Pancha Mahabhootas.

• thumb symbolizes space

• the index is air

• the middle finger is fire

• the ring finger is water

• the pinky stands for earth

So, it’s believed that when you are using these fingers to do various mudras for meditation it channels energy inwards towards the heart.

According to custom mudras are typically used during meditation and pranayama to direct energy flow throughout the body. In yoga philosophy, different areas of the hand stimulate specific areas of the brain. By applying light pressure to these areas of the hand, we will “activate” corresponding region of the brain, like reflexology. Mudras also symbolize various feelings, emotions, and representatives of various states of being.

Like we already mentioned, Any living body is made of five distinct elements: Fire, wind, ether, earth, and water. These are the five building blocks that go into the formation of any living body. Several ancient health systems are based on the concept of the balance of the five elements. According to

Ayurveda, an Indian medical science, distortion, or impairment of the 5 elements creates outer disturbance and inner sickness in the body. The five fingers of the hands represent these five elements:

Thumb symbolizes fire, forefinger symbolizes wind, the middle finger for ether, ring finger for earth, and little or small finger symbolizes water.

A regular yoga mudra practice may help you channel the internal energy and, thus, balance the Chakras and awaken the Five Elements in your body.


How to Best enhance your Mudra Practice with affirmation and meditation


What are Mudras – Etymology and History