Yoghurt and Ayurveda

Properties of Yoghurt

Yoghurt is Amla Rasa ( Sour taste) and undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion. Ayurveda recommends freshly home made yoghurt in cases of constipation, diarrhea, bleeding disorders, nutritional disorders and to increase strength and immunity.

Yoghurt pacifies Vata dosha. It generally aggravates pitta and kapha. Fresh homemade yoghurt pacifies Pitts. Yoghurt is the only fermented food recognized by Ayurveda as sattvic . Ayurveda recommends daily usage of freshly prepared yoghurt and it should be consumed the same day itself.

Other benefits of yoghurt -

Yogurt has lactic acid bacteria that enhance B and T cells which build up our body immunity system. Yogurt also works as an aphrodisiac and offers various benefits related to sexual health. Yogurt has the properties such as proteins and vitamin B5 that is beneficial for the hair. The content of protein present in the yogurt helps to strengthen and moisturize hair, and removes annoying dandruff. The Lactic acid present in the yogurt provides soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin, making the skin soft and nourished. It is also a best remedy for sunburn, it can be applied to reduce pain and redness on the affected area.

Yoghurt for baby -

Yogurt made from Cow’s milk can be the best for baby. It can be a delicious and healthy first food for baby as it is full of calcium, which is needed for strong bones. Yogurt also contains an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals that can be good for the baby. Because of the baby’s growing process, the protein can be easily digested by the young stomach.

Make sure to consult your pediatrician before you administer yoghurt to babies. Ideally it should be given after 6 months only.

How to prepare home made yoghurt?
Fresh full fat milk - 1/2 L
Yoghurt ( starter ) - 1 Tbsp

Method of preparation-
Take a clean container in which the curd has to be settled. Add 1 tablespoon of starter yoghurt (store bought) and whisk it till smooth. Boil milk and allow it to be lukewarm. Pour in the warm milk to the container. Use a whisk to mix it properly. Clad a lid and keep it in a warm place. When the yoghurt is set transfer it to fridge or serve fresh.

How to make Digestive Lassi ?
Homemade yogurt- 1/4 cup
Water - 1 cup
Salt - to taste
Ginger - 1 pinch
Cumin - 1 pinch
Pepper - 1 pinch

Method of preparation-
Blend together all the ingredients and drink in room temperature.

This recipe is good for relieving gas and bloating.


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