Perfumes for Pitta Dosha

Pitta Dosha is generally governed by elements Agni (fire) and Jala (water). An imbalance in Pitta Dosha can make a person angry and aggressive. This is where Aromatherapy can do wonders in Pitta predominant person.

Pleasant smells are known to lift mood swings, reduce anxiety and stress, improves memory and cognition.

For Pitta persons, soothing, sweet and hydrating scents are ideal.

Which are the ideal Mood oils for Pitta?

  • Sandalwood

  • Jasmine

  • Lavender

  • Lotus

  • Mint

How can Pitta person use Aromatherapy?

1. In Steam Therapy - place a few drops of oil on a towel in a hot shower and spend few minutes bathing your body in the aromatic steam.

2. Place a drop of the oil on the back of your hand or wrist and inhale the scent periodically.

3. Daily Abhyanga / Self Massage with an oil base and adding few drops of essential oil

4. Electric Aromatherapy Diffuser

5. Pitta persons are very visual, so it’s great to have real flowers on your desk or bedside table, or burn a candle scented naturally with these aromas.

Which are the carrier oils ideal for a Pitta person ?

Sunflower oil, Coconut oil and Olive oil

The hot, sharp and intense nature of Pitta is balanced by using cooling, soothing and calming perfumes.


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