October Vedic Astrology

October 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

The month of October is the number 10. This usually is the world card in tarot the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.


The major highlight of this month will be the Libra Aries axis and the Pisces Virgo axis these are the zodiacs in which the nodes Rahul and Ketu the North and South node of the moon are going to switch signs. Depending on what houses the zodiacs represent for you will see the major shifts around the themes that those houses represent Jupiter and Saturn are still retrograde but the significant transition first Saturn will be its retrograde motion into the nakshatra of Dhanistha which is in Aquarius in these degrees Saturn will station to become direct


October 1st: mercury entering Virgo this is a sign where mercury feels the most comfortable expect major ideas and more creative thinking as the sun is also in Virgo depending on which house Virgo is in your birth chart you will feel more motivated and creative for I things related to this house.


October 2nd Venus will cross cancer into Leo this is that Gandanta point where things feel like you are losing a grip on everything around you it might feel that way in areas that Venus dominates relationships, money, luxury.



October 3rd Mars enters Libra and will conjunct the South node of the moon this might be an interesting time where you might feel a sudden loss of control be mindful of your speech your anger the passion so it is not out of control and what might help is breathing and staying calm.


October 11th Pluto goes direct in Capricorn at 3.41 degrees, another point of sudden transformative events.


 October 14th: Solar Eclipse in Virgo at 26 degrees of Chitra nakshatra. With Moon in Pisces, and Sun with Ketu. Expect a major shift in areas represented by the Sun in your chart. The events triggered by the eclipse in the respective house Virgo is for your chart, we will see its impact for atleast the next 6 months.


October 15: Saturn Retrogrades in Dhanishta Nakshatra. Here we will have Saturn begin to slow down around the first week of November it will change its motion to direct. If you have any planets around these degrees in the early part of Aquarius expect some major events around those planets.


October 18: Sun enters Libra But has a cancelled debilitation with Venus in Leo. This sign exchange of their lordship is a positive theme in areas represented by Libra and Leo in your chart. See more enthusiasm and excitement related to those houses.



October 19: Mercury is in Libra and Sun Mercury and the South Node of the Moon Ketu wil be conjunct. At 0.39 degrees . Ketu is usually a highly spiritual planet, but it helps us ascend by disconnecting us from things that are material and things that bind us. Sun and Ketu is more ego loss and Mercury and Ketu is an intellectual direction that is more stoic and helps us let go.


October 22: This is a positive day, with Jupitor aspecting Venus in a trine in Leo 17 degrees. This will be a more positive time to plan a reunion with that special someone and an abundant time when it comes to all things Venus.


October 29th we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 11 degrees of Ashwini Nakshatra , this will be a time to let go of the past- this will be the ending, and the time to begin fresh. This closes a cycle that was a theme in the last 1 month and over the next 15 days up until the new moon in November we will see conclusions.


October 30-31: Nodes shift into their new signs Pisces and Virgo for the next 18 months. This is the new chapter beginning.



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